Avicenna Medical Blog

Yehuda Bechar

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VA VISN 10 to Deploy Avicenna's Medication Reconciliation Tool

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Thu, Mar 17, 2016 @ 09:02 PM

Avicenna Medical Systems, a medical software developer, is pleased to announce that The Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans VISN 10, will be deploying  Avicenna’s medication reconciliation  solution,  MedRec, across 13  medical centers and 58 outpatient clinics.

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FDA Silence on Chronic Disease Management Software

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Mon, Nov 08, 2010 @ 01:56 PM

In the wake of the HITECH Act, which encourages healthcare providers to use Electronic Health Records (EHR) through subsidies and reduced Medicare payments, patients may know that providers routinely store and transmit electronically their personal health-related information. Patients with chronic diseases might, however, be surprised to learn that many aspects of their medical care, from the interpretation of lab results, to medication dosage calculations and treatment recommendations, are...

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EMR CCHIT Certification

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Thu, Sep 16, 2010 @ 11:20 AM

No one asked (well at least not publicly), but I wanted to share my opinions on what EMR vendors should be doing in regards to EHR certification. I guess you could say this is a small sample of the advice I’d offer as an EMR vendor advisor albeit not EMR vendor specific and with less detail. Take it for what it’s worth.

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A Smarter EHR?

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Mon, Sep 13, 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Much has been made of the introduction of Electronic Health ( or Medical ) Records as a means of controlling health costs and improving quality. Despite the medical community’s quick embrace of technology to treat disease, physicians have been reluctant to adopt medical records to the same degree as other technologies. Many have characterized physicians as stodgy curmudgeons, stubbornly clinging their antiquated, overstuffed records in the face of rapidly evolving times. The reality is that you...
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Taking Care of Patients with Chronic Conditions

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 @ 04:12 PM

First lets define "chronic condition". There are many definitions of  "chronic condition", some more expansive than others. I would characterize it as any condition that requires ongoing adjustments by the affected person and interactions with the health care system.As I mentioned on a previous blog (Chronic Disease Management and Adverse Drug Events) the care of patients with chronic conditions needs to be improved and streamlined.Some deficiencies that exist today include: • Rushed...
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EMRs, Meaningful Use and the stimulus money

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Fri, May 07, 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Do you want to get the stimulus money? Of course, every body wants to get a piece of the pie. But that money comes with some strings attached. Your organization needs to demonstrate the use of an EMR within the Meaningful Use criteria.

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Chronic Disease Management and Adverse Drug Events

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Mon, May 03, 2010 @ 11:39 AM

Here are the facts:

"One of six Americans who visit emergency rooms due to adverse drug-related events will need to be hospitalized. Drugs that commonly require monitoring in outpatient settings accounted for over half of all unintentional drug overdoses that resulted in an emergency room visit.  With monitoring, clinicians can adjust the patient's dosage to prevent avoidable adverse events."

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Anticoagulation Management and Patient Education

Posted by Yehuda Bechar on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 @ 08:45 PM

How can I make sure all my patients have the information they need to be safe?

That is a common question we get from many of our clinics. We develop chronic disease management software with configurations for many different specialties.  But one thing they all have in common is the education page.

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