
About VA Ambulatory Solutions

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Medication reconciliation, chart review and clinical note writing software that integrates with CPRS and helps doctors, nurses and pharmacists to work collaboratively. 

Facilitates quality medication reconciliation by aggregating information from all sites and creating patient-friendly medication lists before and after each appointment. Dramatically reduces the time to perform CPRS chart review and write a quality note. Improves medication reconciliation documentation.


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MedRec Ambulatory Medication Reconciliation and Chart Review

A complete MedRec solution for your PACT team - primary care, specialty providers, nurses and pharmacists

The MedRec Ambulatory solution simplifies and improves medication reconciliation before and after outpatient visits, helping to minimize dangerous medication errors. The solution helps to improve MedRec documentation and creates patient-friendly medication lists and after visit summary documents. 

The solution consolidates inpatient, outpatient, remote and non-VA medications into a single master list which is grouped alphabetically by indication. This enables practitioners to compare similar meds side by side, reducing the potential for error. 

The multi-site chart review feature brings in all relevant patient data including medications, labs, studies and notes, dramatically reducing the time it takes to perform CPRS chart review.

The solution may be utilized by itself for medication reconciliation purposes, or combined with the TurboNote clinical note writer for further benefits.  


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TurboNote Ambulatory Clinical Note Writer

A clinical note writing tool with integrated medication reconciliation and multi-site patient chart review

The Outpatient TurboNote embeds all of the MedRec and chart review features into a single solution that can be used by any clinician in the outpatient setting to perform medication reconciliation, streamline patient chart review and create clinical notes.

The solution dramatically reduces the time it takes to write a quality note and automates the creation of CPRS progress notes or phone notes.

Enables providers to quickly perform multi-site health maintenance reviews and generate to-do lists for after visit follow ups and screenings.


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Since 2012, Avicenna Medical Systems has been helping the VA improve the safety and quality of veteran care; reducing medication errors, adverse drug events and associated avoidable readmissions and ER visits.

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